Rehabilitation of Cyclone hit Atale village

Venu-Madhuri Trust in collaboration with Accion Labs, Mumbai planned and implemented the first phase of the rehabilitation of the damaged houses under CSR activity.


On 3rd of June the Nisarga cyclone hit on western coast of Maharashtra, had brought massive disaster in hundreds of villages, like Atale, located on western coast of Maharashtra.

The situation was made worse because of the raging Covid-19 pandemic.

Venu-Madhuri Trust in collaboration with Accion Labs, Mumbai planned and implemented the first phase of the rehabilitation of the damaged houses under CSR activity.




A detailed survey of the damage was conducted by the village development committed of Athale, who are voluntarily working for the development of Athale village. The Summary of the survey was…

1] The total damaged houses (to varying extent) of the village were 97.

2] The total material cost calculated (with voluntarily labour for repair) for the repair of 97 damaged houses was 39, 42,360 Rs (Thirty nine lakh, forty two thousand, three hundred and sixty only).

3] Under the 1st Phase of assistance from Accion Labs, we planned to reimburse the material cost total up to 9 Lac Rupees, to all those villagers whose houses were damaged.





A] Venu-Madhuri Trust is involved with villagers since day one and is strictly implementing and monitoring the whole rehabilitation activities. Rahul Deshpande (Regional Project Coordinator) of Venu-Madhuri Trust and Ashutosh Bijoor (CTO) from Accion Labs, Mumbai with their respective team was involved in the whole process of survey, planning and execution.

B] As the damage cost of individual varied from 8000 Rs to 4 Lakh Rs, The village development committee (Photo right) unanimously decided for equal amount distribution of Rs. 7732/- to all the villagers and 75,000 thousand each for the repair of two community buildings.

C] The amount of Rs 7732/- was reimbursed as assistance to 97 families, through e. transfer into the account of 85 villagers, and 1.5 Lac was transferred to an joint account for the reconstruction of two community structures.

D] As the money was transferred by wire a Certificate of assistance (Photo Below) on behalf of Accion was handover to each and every villager.







Youth Contribution

In the process of rebuilding the participation of youth was inspring (Photo Top)

The teenagers and youth of any village are the ones who make the process sustainable. In order to happen this the process of education must make them connect with there village. The paradox is present education system is driving youth away from villages.

The Graminno (CSR Initivatives from Accion Mumbai) has decided to address the issue of need based skill education at village Athale. For this to happen at Gramino we have inaugrated a technical skill based center at Athale village.



We have taken one step towards preserving not only the Village Culture but also making it self sustainable. Another Step is requested from your side. You can extend your help by either associating with us, by buying our cottage industry products and by helping us financially.